Embark on an incredible journey through the bustling streets of the city with G-Wagon City Driver, a thrilling game offering various exciting game modes. Maneuver through the busy morning roads while dealing with realistic traffic, carefully managing your fuel levels, and mastering the art of urban driving. Venture beyond the city limits and conquer challenging off-road trails, encountering breathtaking morning scenery that breathes life into every landscape. Prepare for unexpected obstacles, from unpredictable pedestrians to intense police pursuits. Personalize your G-Wagon's appearance and performance, and bring your trusty canine companion along for an unforgettable ride. Regardless of whether you're running from the authorities or creating your own path, *G-Wagon City Driver* guarantees an exhilarating adventure.
- W, A, S, D / Arrow Keys: Drive / Steer / Brake
- Left Shift: Activate Nitro Boost
- C: Change Camera View
- G: Activate Slow Motion