The conflict for Earth continues in Metal Army War 2! Following their successful defense against robotic aliens, our courageous heroes decided to take a well-deserved break. However, the robotic threat has returned with even more advanced weaponry, including attack shuttles, drones, and AI-controlled vehicles. It's now your responsibility to join the heroes, safeguard the planet, and eliminate these upgraded adversaries!
- Player 1:
- Move: W, A, S, D
- Attack: C (Hold for a powerful strike)
- Throw Grenade: V
- Jump/Wall Climb: W
- Switch Weapon: Q, E
- Special Attack: Q + E (When SP bar is full)
- Reload Ammo: X
- Player 2:
- Move: Arrow Keys
- Attack: L (Hold for a powerful strike)
- Throw Grenade: K
- Jump/Wall Climb: Up Arrow
- Switch Weapon: O, P
- Special Attack: O + P (When SP bar is full)
- Reload Ammo: J
- Strategically use special attacks to inflict massive damage when surrounded.
- Switch weapons to adapt to different enemy types.
- Make use of wall-climbing to improve your positioning.
- Coordinate with your teammate in co-op mode for maximum efficiency.
Equip yourself and defend Earth once again in Metal Army War 2!